The decision to end a marriage is one of the most difficult decisions you may ever make.
If you have made the decision to get a divorce, or if you're contemplating a divorce, you owe yourself the opportunity to seek a solution that can, potentially, minimize much of the angst and damage often experienced through the traditional divorce process. We all know people who have experienced the dysfunction of getting divorced. Horror stories abound and tales of enormous waste are often understated.
There is a better way.
Wendy Zun is a principal in the firm of Z&Z Resolve, a practice devoted to mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Divorce mediation is a cooperative process, guided by individuals experienced in not only the legal aspects of divorce law, but understand how to help guide the parties in facilitating communication to enable both sides to make their desires known and to help make decisions as to what is best for them, saving substantial time and money, and preserving any goodwill that exists between parties. In the instances where there is no longer any goodwill, this process can help lay the foundation for future communication….which is critical if there are children involved, regardless of age.
Jamie Zelvin and Wendy Zun have over 40 combined years of experience as attorneys
and litigators. They have seen, firsthand, the acrimonious and adversarial nature of the
court system and the resulting harm to the parties who are subjected to it. They believe
that “winning” in Divorce is finding a solution that considers the hopes and dreams of the
individuals for themselves, for their children, and for their futures so that the parties
themselves (not the mediator) can fashion sustainable, future focused plans, which get
them out of the system and back to their children and their lives.
We are attorneys and Certified Divorce Mediators who will provide a safe and confidential environment in which both parties can express their goals, needs and concerns. Mediation can offer long-term solutions for:
  • Parenting plans and co-parenting agreements
  • Financial settlements
  • Property division, including provisions for highly complicated assets like businesses and pensions
  • Child Support and Spousal Support agreements that preserve both parties’ financial stability
Through mediation – you make the decisions, not a judge, no one will force you into any decision that you don’t want to make. A mediator is a neutral party who will protect both of you, and through the mediation process, will help to ensure that you build an agreement that feels equitable and fair to you both.
Mediation is a fraction of the cost of litigation. You and your spouse don’t need to hire and pay separate attorneys to represent each of you to work out all the different issues that need to be addressed. We offer a sliding scale fee and the option of a flat rate fee, so that the benefits of mediation are accessible and affordable.
Mediation sessions are available to fit your schedule. We offer flexible schedules to accommodate your professional and family obligations by scheduling mediation session appointments on weekdays as well as weekends and evenings. We will also conduct mediation sessions virtually if that better accommodates both parties.